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Scanning Networks


In this step-by-step tutorial, we will go through all the required stages to set up network scanning with the secureCodeBox. We will first use Nmap to scan all devices for open ports and then see how to use Cascading Rules to follow up on our port findings with a vulnerability scanner. In this tutorial, we will mainly focus on a follow-up ssh port cracking using Ncrack, but you will quickly notice that it's quite easy to configure the scanner for different ports to fit your needs.


For the sake of the tutorial, we assume that you have your Kubernetes cluster already up and running and that we can work in your default namespace.

If not done yet, install the nmap scanner:

helm upgrade --install nmap secureCodeBox/nmap

Now we also need the cascading-scans hook (if not installed yet):

helm upgrade --install cascading-scans secureCodeBox/cascading-scans

Finally, setting up Ncrack is a little trickier though. Ncrack uses files with lists of usernames and passwords to brute-force an authentication. In its default configuration, the scanner will check for all combinations of usernames and passwords provided by our lists. You can use your own existing files or just create two dummy files for the purpose of the tutorial:

printf "root\nadmin\n" > users.txt
printf "THEPASSWORDYOUCREATED\n123456\npassword\n" > passwords.txt

Make sure to use an extra free line at the end of your files, as there could be issues with cut-off final letters!

Now we can create a kubernetes secret:

kubectl create secret generic --from-file users.txt --from-file passwords.txt ncrack-lists

Lastly, we now install Ncrack and configure the scanType to mount our secret, so that we get access to the username and password files via the mount path /ncrack/.

And starting from secureCodeBox v4.0, it is also necessary to set cascadingRules.enabled to true.

cat <<EOF | helm upgrade --install ncrack secureCodeBox/ncrack --values -
- name: ncrack-lists
secretName: ncrack-lists
- name: ncrack-lists
mountPath: "/ncrack/"
enabled: true

Creating the Scan Cascade

After everything is set up properly, it's now time to configure our scans. The Nmap Scan configuration is pretty straightforward. We create a scan.yaml where we define what Nmap should do:

apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "nmap-ssh-howto"
scanType: "nmap"
# Service Detection enabled
- "-sV"
# We'll just scan for port 22 to speed up the scan.
- "-p"
- "22"
# Watch out to configure you network correctly and if you are allowed to perform scans against the hosts in it!
- ""

We can test run it via:

kubectl apply -f scan.yaml

The scan should be properly created and you should see it running via:

kubectl get scans

Hint: If you want to restart the scan, you must delete it first:

# Delete all scans:
kubectl delete scans --all
# Delete our specific scan:
kubectl delete scans nmap-ssh-tutorial

Now we also want to start the Ncrack scan after Nmap has finished. We use cascading rules for that. Cascading rules allow us to automatically call any scanner that matches our given labels (see below) in order to start further security checks. In this case, we want to follow up on with an ncrack scan to test the credentials configured for the server. Fortunately, the secureCodeBox already comes with a predefined ncrack cascading rule for ssh scanning in crack-ssh.yaml.

We must register our cascading rule with:

kubectl apply -f crack-ssh.yaml

To understand what's happening, we will take an in-depth look at the cascading rule:

apiVersion: ""
kind: CascadingRule
name: "ncrack-ssh"
labels: invasive high
- category: "Open Port"
port: 22
state: open
- category: "Open Port"
service: "ssh"
state: open
scanType: "ncrack"
- -v
- -d10
- -U
- /ncrack/users.txt
- -P
- /ncrack/passwords.txt
- -p
- ssh:{{attributes.port}}
- "{{$.hostOrIP}}"

Let's take a look at the attributes:

  • name: Obviously, our cascading rule is called "ncrack-ssh" to identify it correctly.
  • spec - matches - anyOf: Here we specify that we want to subsequently scan every open port 22, or every port where a ssh service is running. You can use any attribute that is specified in the Nmap findings, see for example: Nmap Example Findings
  • scanSpec - scanType: This is where the actual ncrack scan gets configured. We use the optional -d10 for a better console output, with -U we specify the usernames list, -P is for password list. Now it gets more interesting: The -p option is used in ncrack to specify a port for a service different from its standard port. We pick the needed port from the findings via {{attributes.port}}. After that, we just have to directly set the target IP with "{{$.hostOrIP}}" and we are done. The pattern "{{$.hostOrIP}}" is a special feature we implemented as an alternative to {{attributes.ip_address}} because it's often useful to preserve the hostname for cascadingScans. This pattern allows you to use the hostname if it's defined and otherwise use the attribute {{attributes.ip_address}}.
  • invasive & intensive: Finally you may have noticed that we skipped these two attributes. A scan can either be invasive or non-invasive and its intensity can vary from light to medium to high.

These last two labels work as scan-triggers in the cascading rules, so our last step is to modify the Nmap scan defined above and add the cascading scan rules:

apiVersion: ""
kind: Scan
name: "nmap-ssh-howto"
scanType: "nmap"
# Service Detection enabled
- "-sV"
# We'll just scan for port 22 to speed up the scan.
- "-p"
- "22"
# Watch out to configure you network correctly and if you are allowed to perform scans against the hosts in it!
- ""
matchLabels: high invasive

Of course, you can just use one of the two labels and change them as you need them.

Now let's run our scan! Make sure to be in the correct directory where your scan.yaml is located:

# make sure you have deleted the scan beforehand
kubectl apply -f scan.yaml

After a short time, we can check whether our subsequent scan has been triggered correctly:

kubectl get scans

Now we should see something like:

kubectl get scans
ncrack-ssh-howto-ncrack-ssh-48qnz ncrack Done 1
nmap-ssh-howto nmap Done 8

Nice, our scan was triggered as expected! Your network likely looks different. Depending on how many ssh hosts nmap was able to find you will see more ncrack scans started.

Final hint: As already shown above, you can create a cascading rule yourself like any resource in Kubernetes via:

kubectl apply -f cascadingRule.yaml

Have fun scanning and checking your networks!